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TheBoatDB-2.0 has cast off the lines!

A boatload of news to share with you on this newsletter, with the most prominent one being the release of TheBoatDB-2.0, on a fully redesigned user-interface. We have made it much easier to browse your favourite boat maker, type (sail vs. power), hull-type (mono-cata-tri), search on various categories, compare side-to-sire and much more.

Another major milestone achieved is migrating to MS Azure datacentre in London, as well as switching from virtual machines (VM) technology to containerisation. This may sounds like not much from the marine perspective but is a heavy achievement in the IT world. What are the wider benefits for you? In three small words: better, faster, safer! The pricing is steeper but quality always comes with a price-tag. We are now ready to expand much easier our modular architecture, including IoT (sensors) in the future, keeping always your data safe as top-priority.

What else have we been done the last few months? Well, plenty of boat chores and then some. Hereby is a short top-level list, to name just a few:

  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) is finally here for a unified experience across all available online resources and improved security of your account credentials. With just a single login you may access your Marine Data Cloud account, TheBoatApp, TheBoatDB and the online Community. Just login on one and seamlessly browse all resources
  • Online Community is fully accessible with your account. Not only you can raise tickets for anything you may need but much more you may post publicly, engage with other users and more:
    • Initiate a discussion about your most (or least!) favourite feature
    • Post an idea of a feature that you would like to see next or being improved
    • Raise a question or a problem
    • …or simply chat with fellow sailors about your marine data management
  • Smaller things were also done, such as:
    • File-picker (uploader) is now better, using a gallery-like functionality: hover over a filename to see a really looong filename, view file details like size and resolution, download it and more. Also updated to allow more file-types to be uploaded
    • Checklists: you may now use your very own images as a cover-page, so it is easier to distinguish which is the Checklist you are looking for at a glance or making more attractive for others to follow
  • Done also many even smaller(!) things such as improved screen layouts (user-registration, general settings, etc), tooltips to provide functionality hints, diesel generator section (logbook), allow special characters (symbols) in data-fields and many more

You can always check the full-list of what we add, update or fix, in the online Changelog.

Closing, we remain grateful to our Gold subscribers for supporting the platform and we call the rest of you to join them, get extra features and more importantly support the platform, for us to keep developing and adding new features on TheBoatDB and TheBoatApp. YOU are the wind on our sails!